Monday 28 September 2015

Hello and welcome

My name is Farirai but most call me Farie. I'm finally joining the bandwagon and creating my own little corner in cyberspace. Why you ask? For a long time I've wanted to share my talent with like minded seamstresses so I've decided that today, my 30th birthday is the best time to do it. There's no better time than today hey? I've come to realise that life is not worth living unless you fill it with the things you enjoy most.

And what do I enjoy above all else? I love sewing. I fell in love with sewing while I was in Grade 7 (aged 12) working on our leavers' project, a hand sewn pencil skirt made out of a flimsy lightweight viscose. I was so proud of my achievement that on the last day of primary school I ripped the CF seam in my uniform, donned a white Tee and said skirt. It didn't have a secure back fastening and as I strutted my chubby looking self down to City Hall I almost exposed myself. I still blush just thinking about my near-miss indecent exposure but for the first in my short life I had found something I was really good at.

Fast forward to high school and I got a joint highest mark for Form 4 Fashion & Fabrics. I didn't get the prize (my report book did acknowledge my achievement) but I was convinced I was going to study Fashion & Textiles for my A Levels. Well, my very loving African family clearly didn't think so. Back then practical subjects were seen as inferior compared to 'academic' subjects such as Maths, Science or Accounting. Success was measured by whether you became a doctor, lawyer, engineer or accountant. 

Given my limited choices and that I had passed accounting with an A (total fluke) my career path was carved out. I have enjoyed a career in finance for the past 9 years however nothing is more fulfilling than sitting behind my sewing machine and watching a piece of fabric transformed into a wearable garment.

So, with that said I hope you will enjoy reading about my sewing endeavours, the good, the bad, the wadders as well as lessons learnt........... and not repeated.


  1. Hi Farirai,
    Congrats on your decision. I am excited to follow your journey with you. I am in the contemplating stages of sewing. I am not an expert sewer, I don't believe I am can be considered a sewer (yet). But, I am looking forward to making my first project and who knows I may even start a blog. Good luck and I look forward to following you.

    1. Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog. You should start blogging too, you won't regret it. We could start our journey together and who know where we could be 10 years from now. Please do share you 1st project. I'm sure you'll be fine.
